Play Car Park Simulation - Car Flash Simulation
Learn how to park a car easily with Video and Flash Simulation Media.- Parallel parking is when you draw up parallel to a parked car and then reverse into a space behind it. This is a very useful skill which you will need as soon as you start driving. Rely on the Preparation, Observation and maneuver routine to complete any parking. Traffic may have to stop for your Maneuver, so accurate and competent maneuvering is required.
- Drive forward past the empty space and use the foot brake to stop parallel to the car on your left hand side. Don't stop more than a meter from the car as you may cause greater obstruction than necessary. Discuss the use of signals with your instructor and Press your foot down on the clutch and select reverse gear, then lightly press down on the accelerator and raise the clutch to biting point.
- Check all around for other road users, look over your left shoulder through the rear window, if the way is clear ease of the clutch and drive back very slowly. Watch for the rear corner of the parked car to your left in your rear side window. When you can see it, check all around and if safe turn the steering wheel to the left one full turn. Check the road both ways and then continue reversing very slowly at an angle into the space. When you are about 45 degrees with the kerb start to steer right. This will swing the car parallel with the kerb.
- Using clutch and brake controls to keep the car slow, straighten the steering to the left. You should be close to the kerb, but if not, you can move forwards and backwards to get it right. You will get a feel for how close you should be the more you practice. Avoid letting your tyres touch the kerb. And don't steer whilst stationary, as this is bad for your tyres and steering. On the test you will be expected to complete this maneuver within the space of about 2 car lengths.
Park a Car Simulation Video
Play park car Simulation Flash